
At Risk for Varicose Veins? Follow These Tips to Prevent Them

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There is a strong possibility that you are at risk of getting varicose veins if your parents or grandparents did. While there is little you can do to change your genes, you can adopt certain healthy lifestyle choices to help prevent varicose veins for as long as possible or at the very least, lessen their symptoms.

  • Maintain a healthy weight: Because of the extra pressure on your lower body, being overweight or obese considerably increases your probability of getting varicose veins. It's never too late to start living a healthier life if you are already overweight or obese. Make sure to eat a balanced diet in order to maintain your healthy weight.
  • Change up your wardrobe: It may seem minor, how you wear might alter your veins. For instance, high heels don't train your calf muscles way regular ordinary shoes do. Additionally, wearing tight clothing, undergarments, and accessories like pantyhose and stockings might reduce circulation in your lower body, increasing your risk of developing vein issues later on.
  • Stand up or sit down: It's likely that you either conduct your job while standing up or sitting for a significant portion of the day at a desk or computer. Performing one or the other for an extended period of time can harm your circulation, so be sure to switch it up at least once every hour.
  • Relax: Relaxing can help you maintain good vein health. At the end of the day, kick back and prop your feet up while watching your favorite television show. To increase circulation, make sure they are higher than your heart. Getting a massage on a regular basis might also assist maintain your circulation circulating. Taking time to relax can also help you reduce stress, which is beneficial to your overall health and well-being.
  • Get other health issues under control: Speaking of high blood pressure, if you suffer from it, now is the time to take control of it. Reduce your salt consumption. Boost your fruit and vegetable intake. Consult your doctor about taking medication to control it if this doesn't work. The same can be stated for other medical conditions like high cholesterol or diabetes.